Cancelled flights from Vilnius to Warsaw and Tallinn
Friday the 13th. This day is badly unsuccessful for LOT Polish Airlines. Travelers who planned to fly from Vilnius to Warsaw and from Vilnius to Tallinn faced an unpleasant problem because their flights have been cancelled.
- 2018-04-13
- 10:57 AM GMT

Some travelers informed us that the original departure time for Vilnius – Warsaw flight was scheduled at 10 a.m. (local time), for Vilnius – Tallinn – 8.25 a.m. However, they had to stay at the airport longer than it was expected.
The airlines representative already changed the tickets for the new ones. Estimated flight time to Warsaw was changed to 13:40 (local time).
According to the EC 261 Regulation, travelers should get 250 € compensation due to the cancelled flights LO 778 and LO 8352. Were you on one of these flights? You can easily get a compensation, just fill in Skycop flight compensation form here.