Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of an Airlines Team at Skycop

Working at Skycop as a member of the team that processes claims can be challenging and full of surprises. We should always be ready to communicate properly with a variety of airline companies and people. Each day specialists must be eager to learn and expand their knowledge on everything regarding aviation, communicate professionally, be very precise with details, and always be willing to help people after their flight is disrupted.


The team at Skycop is a big-hearted family. As Sandra said, “Every day in the office is full of discussions, questions, answers, never-ending motivation, positivity, and people willing to help each other”. Let’s take a peek at their day.

Claiming Team

Meet the Airlines Team, whose job starts when the Validation Team – the one that receives the claims first – collects all the necessary information and documentation from the client, systems, internet, etc. Then our best experts equipped with all of the knowledge and years of experience send a disrupted flight claim to the airline company. Thus the work of the Airlines Team begins.

Specialists must know how to reach the airlines, either through the company’s online form, via email, or live chat. The possibilities there are endless and some of them are hard to find for a regular person.

“There are some situations when people fill out claims through a variety of companies, and sometimes even directly through airlines at the same time. If we were not the first ones to claim for our clients, airlines take longer time to answer our requests or even reject the claim, and all this happens, as they say, due to receiving too much information about the passengers”, shares one of the specialists. If that’s the case, all the effort of our experts is worthless. However, most of the time their “superpowers” let us contact the airlines with the speed of light and then all that is left to do is just wait for any kind of response from the airline (of course we always hope for the positive one).

Communication Team

After the claim is successfully sent to the airlines, to help come the team members who are masters at communicating with clients – the Communication Team. Their main task is to provide the most recent news about the claim’s status and to keep in contact with the airline company.  Of course, not a day goes by without the need to cite the Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004., which is the main document our whole work is based on.

Our clients are updated about the progress of the claim, specialists ask to send the missing documents which airlines are all of a sudden demanding or request to fill in required additional forms.

“This is why it is really important for clients to stay active when a claim is created, and to check if our emails do not go to their spam folder because there is some important information you might be missing out!”, emphasized Marija.

Airlines are tricky, especially with their decisions. This is why we as experts have to know the Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 perfectly. We have to check if there were no Air Traffic Control disruptions or bad weather, look into flight distance for the right compensation amount, why airlines might reduce the compensation amount, see if there were no connecting flights the client did not mention about, how much time the flight was disrupted. Maybe there were staff strikes, security issues. What if there’s no information how much time prior the flight disruption the client was informed about it, if there are all the needed forms, such as for denied boarding, etc.

Most of the time, our knowledge helps to change incorrect decisions made by the  airlines, but there are also cases when we have to take Legal action to get compensation for which the client is eligible. Our Team is not afraid of such everyday challenges and solves them with passion!

Legal Team

If Airlines are not willing to cooperate with us smoothly, our team of legal experts from all over the world comes to help. The Legal Team works very hard to collect even more additional information and documents to contact the airlines legally. We wish that the period of finalizing the claim through the Lgeal process would be faster, but our hands are tied up there, as deadlines are not set by us, therefore we truly appreciate our clients being understanding and patient!

Payout Management Team

After the airlines agree to pay the compensation, we inform our clients about the news they have been waiting to hear all this time – the compensation is on its way!

Some airlines are faster in paying out the money, and some are taking ages, which is why we often have to remind them about the promises they made to us and the air passengers. “There are cases when airlines send incorrect amounts of money, then the communication proceeds further”, noted Karina.

Clients are asked to provide their personal bank account details for the money transfer, but sometimes that is not enough, and additional information is needed. After we receive the money and we have all the necessary data for the money transfer, in cooperation with the finance department the compensation is sent to clients. Of course, they are once again informed that money is on the way!

We appreciate clients who rate and share their positive experiences on Trustpilot or even with friends! We always wish people safe flights, but if there are any disrupted ones, you know who to contact, the most experienced Team of specialists at!

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