What It Takes To Have Your Claim Processed Smoothly And How You Can Help?

Once you have successfully filed a compensation claim for a disrupted flight with a claim company, you might have many questions, as the process can seem confusing. Well, it’s easier than you might think. This guide will help you understand what it takes to process your claim smoothly. 

Smooth claim for compensation processing
Smooth claim for compensation processing

Additional information

Before your claim is submitted to the airline, claim administrators can request various documents. As soon as all the required information for claim submission has been collected, your claim is then forwarded to the airline.

It is important to note, that when your claim is finally submitted, it means that the compensation request has only been sent to the airline. At any given time the airline can request additional documents, so make sure to always keep a copy of all the flight tickets, booking confirmations e-mails, and any other sort of documentation or communication the airline has provided you. 

Do not forget to check your inbox now and then, a claim administrator might be waiting for your response regarding additional information. If the requested documents are not provided, it will be impossible to process the claim as fast as we and you would like. 

Multiple claim submission

Sometimes people think that submitting multiple claims for the same flight will help to process the claim faster, however, that is not the case. There can only be one claim per journey, so the airline will only accept one claim. 

Multiple claim submissions can cause many misunderstandings and miscommunication. Each claim company operates differently but of course, they also have some similarities, so it’s easy to get confused and lost in the process when multiple companies are involved. It is best to stick to only one claim and only one claim company. This ensures the smooth processing of your claim.


The best part of filing for compensation with a claim company is that you do not have to do anything, qualified professionals will handle all the intricate details for you. Naturally, passengers are eager to know any significant updates regarding their disrupted flight claim. 

Never hesitate to contact your claim administrator for an update. You might remember a specific detail regarding your disrupted flight way after the claim has been submitted, but feel free to let your claim administrator know, they will be happy to receive additional information regarding your disrupted flight. Every single detail counts!

If you have doubts whether to submit a claim or not, do not hesitate and try! You’ve got nothing to lose and if you win, you will get paid! Just remember to avoid multiple claim submissions, check your inbox regularly, and communicate with your claim administrator. In the end, be patient and let the professionals at Skycop handle all the hard for you. 

Was Your Flight Disrupted?

Turn your delayed, cancelled or overbooked flight into a compensation up to €600!