How Do Flights Get Overbooked?
Overbooking of flights happens when airlines sell more tickets than there are available seats on the aircraft. It is a common practice among airline companies. Although it might seem like a trouble in the making for the passengers, usually they don’t face any consequences for such a practice.
Why do airlines overbook? Their interest lies in maximizing the capacity of an airplane and getting as much revenue from each flight as possible, filling all the seats available.
You can rest assured there will always be passengers who decide or are forced to cancel their plans at the last minute, thus leaving a few empty seats. They will be occupied by those who bought extra tickets.
However, every once in a while, not enough seats will be vacated, creating a situation where someone will have to volunteer to stay out of the plane, or else some of the passengers will be involuntarily bumped, which means denied boarding.
There is no way of knowing if you bought a ticket to an overbooked airline, but if you did and not enough passengers cancel their flights, you might end up losing your seat.