When Are You Entitled To Singapore Airlines Flight Compensation?
Passengers can claim Singapore Airlines compensation if their flight was disrupted without prior warning. Many circumstances under the airline’s control can cause flight delays and cancellations.
Flight Disruptions
Singapore Airlines’ compensation policy states that they will inform passengers of diversions, delays or cancellations by telephone, website, or boarding gate information. If Singapore Airlines is responsible for the disruption, passengers could claim up to €600 in compensation. You can also claim Singapore Airlines lost baggage compensation for missing luggage.
Schedule Change
If you are delayed by more than 3 hours, but less than 4 hours, your Singapore Airlines flight delay compensation will be reduced by 50%. Singapore Airlines strives to notify passengers in advance of any flight changes or delays. However, if your flight is delayed by more than 5 hours, you may cancel your booking and obtain a full refund.
Flight Cancellations
Passengers can claim up to €600 for flight cancellations if there are no alternative flights available. Singapore Airlines may also offer refreshments and meals depending on the length of the delay.
Extraordinary Circumstances
Singарore Airlines offers раssengers а refunԁ for flight саnсellаtions or аn аlternаtive flight аt the eаrliest oррortunity. You shoulԁ loԁge а reрort with the аirline if your luggаge is lost or ԁаmаgeԁ before аррlying to сlаim Singарore Air’s ԁelаyeԁ bаggаge сomрensаtion.