11 Useful Phrases You Should Know While Traveling
Happy European Day of Languages! Currently, there are over 4,500 spoken languages in the world that have more than 1,000 speakers. Chances are, you’re going to encounter one or more of them while travelling. And English isn’t guaranteed to cut it everywhere you go. So here are some of the most useful phrases to know while travelling.
- 2019-09-24
- 1:32 PM GMT
1. Hello
German: Hallo!
French: Bonjour!
Russian: Здравствуйте! (Zdravstvuyte!)
Italian: Buongiorno!
Spanish: Hola!
Turkish: Merhaba!
2. Goodbye
German: Tschüss!
French: Au revoir!
Russian: До свидания! (Do svidaniya!)
Italian: Arrivederci!
Spanish: Adiós!
Turkish: Hoşçakal!
3. I would like…
German: Ich hätte gern …
French: J’aimerais …
Russian: Будьте добры… (Bud’te dobry…)
Italian: Vorrei …
Spanish: Me gustaría …
Turkish: … istiyorum.
4. Where is…?
German: Wo ist…?
French: Où sont… ?
Russian: Где…? (Gde…?)
Italian: Dov’è…o?
Spanish: ¿Dónde está…?
Turkish: …nerede?
…the toilet?
German: …die Toilette?
French: …les toilettes?
Russian: …туалет? (tualet?)
Italian: …il bagno?
Spanish: …el baño?
Turkish: Tuvalet…
…the taxi stop?
German: …die Taxihaltestelle?
French: …l’arrêt de taxi?
Russian: …остановка такси? (ostanovka taksi?)
Italian: …la fermata del taxi?
Spanish: …la parada de taxis?
Turkish: Taksi durağı…
…the train station?
German: …der Bahnhof?
French: …la gare?
Russian: …железнодорожный вокзал? (zheleznodorozhnyy vokzal?)
Italian: …stazione ferroviaria?
Spanish: …estación de tren?
Turkish: Tren istasyonu…
5. How much does this cost?
German: Wie viel kostet das?
French: Combien ça coûte?
Russian: Сколько это стоит? (Skol’ko eto stoit?)
Italian: Quanto costa?
Spanish: ¿Cuánto cuesta?
Turkish: Bu ne kadar?
6. Do you sell…?
German: Verkaufen Sie …?
French: Vendez-vous …?
Russian: У вас есть…? (U vas yest’…?)
Italian: Vendete …?
Spanish: ¿Vendes …? (informal) / ¿Vende …? (formal)
Turkish: … satıyor musunuz?
7. Can I pay with card?
German: Kann ich mit Karte bezahlen?
French: Je peux payer par carte?
Russian: Можно заплатить карточкой? (Mozhno zaplatit kartochkoi?)
Italian: È possibile pagare con la carta?
Spanish: ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta?
Turkish: Kart ile ödeyebilir miyim?
8. Is there wifi here?
Greman: Gibt es Wi-Fi hier?
French: Il y a-t-il une connexion Wi-Fi ici?
Russian: Здесь есть Wi-Fi? (Zdes’ yest’ Wi-Fi?)
Italian: C’è il Wi-Fi qui?
Spanish: ¿Hay conexión Wi-Fi aquí?
Turkish: Burada Wi-Fi var mı?
9. I need help / Help!
German: Ich brauche Hilfe. / Hilfe!
French: J’ai besoin d’aide. / À l’aide!
Russian: Помогите! (Pomogite!)
Italian: Mi serve aiuto. / Aiuto!
Spanish: Necesito ayuda. / ¡Ayuda!
Turkish: Yardıma ihtiyacım var. / İmdat!
10. Excuse me / I’m sorry
German: Entschuldigung
French: Excusez-moi / Pardon
Russian: Извините (Izvinite) / Простите (Prostite)
Italian: Mi scusi / Mi dispiace
Spanish: Disculpa (informal) / Disculpe (formal) / Lo siento / Perdón
Turkish: Affedersiniz / Özür dileri
11. I don’t understand.
German: Ich verstehe Sie nicht.
French: Je ne comprends pas.
Russian: Я не понимаю (Ya ne ponimayu).
Italian: Non capisco.
Spanish: No entiendo.
Turkish: Anlamıyorum.
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