5 Tips On How To Stay Healthy While Travelling
When you’re travelling abroad, you’re exposing your body to a myriad of new stresses. That’s not entirely great for your health. So keeping hale and hearty on your trip is hard, yet really important since you don’t want to mess the whole thing. That’s why we collected some tips on how to stay healthy while travelling.
- 2019-04-05
- 11:56 AM GMT
5. Don’t Neglect Your Sleep
Sleep is one of the most important things for your health. Letting your body relax and unwind after a stressful day of flights (or flight disruptions), running around in an unfamiliar environment and crossing timelines is extremely important.
So indulge yourself and catch as many z’s as you can. We’re not telling you to forcefully stay in the bed, however. Just try and get as much sleep as your body requires. This will help it fight stress and the various new contaminants present in an unfamiliar environment. That’s why it’s the first step to staying healthy!
4. Set a Sane Pace
If you’re travelling, chances are you want to get the best bang for the buck. Therefore, there’s an understandable temptation to cram as many places and activities into your daily plan as you can. Well, when it comes to that, there’s only one word of advice: don’t.
Trying to visit everything one mad dash will just needlessly stress and tire you out. Furthermore, it will impact your enjoyment of the spots, too, as well as your ability to really immerse yourself in the experience. So don’t do that to yourself! Relax, chill, and you’ll feel much better at the end of the day.
3. Don’t Abandon Exercise
Now, I won’t suggest something as expensive or indulgent as getting a hotel gym pass or looking for a local class. However, there’s plenty of exercises you can do in your hotel room. From stretches to the more serious stuff, you can do it all (provided the room is big enough).
You can also tie exercise into your modes of getting around. Consider walking more. Even if there’s nothing of national interest between your hotel and the next tourist spot, walking will allow you to observe your location in a more natural way. You should also consider running – you have the option of seeing something new every day!
2. Remember Breakfast
Breakfast is a little difficult to pull off when you’re traveling. Sure, it’s quite easy if you’re staying in a hotel that offers one. However, if you have to do it yourself… well, buying groceries on a trip is quite a chore, and so is making food in an unfamiliar environment.
Breakfast is still a massively important meal, so don’t just go skipping to lunch. Give your body the morning kick of energy, even if it means eating out or storing some instant oatmeal in your room. Don’t go adventuring on an empty stomach!
1. Stay Hydrated
Tourism is a thirsty business, especially in the more southern climes (exception: South Pole). So don’t forget to keep your tanks full. In fact, bring a reusable water bottle with you to cut down on waste. Hey, it’s your excuse to finally start lugging a canteen with you.
Don’t forget to keep your skin hydrated. Keep your routine of creams going to help the skin deal with the adverse effects of the new environment. Protect it from harsh sunlight with sun lotion. Gotta keep that biggest organ of your body going!
So that’s it for a shortlist of hints. It also behooves to follow general health advice (like cutting down sweets and alcohol or eating more veggies) when traveling. Meanwhile, if you encounter cancelled flights or flight delays or overbooking, we advise you to claim flight compensation via Skycop. The compensations go up to €600 – think of how many reusable water bottles that can buy!
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